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Believe it or not, I only became a real coffee lover 2-3 years ago. By now I’m almost a coffee snob. I usually only drink very, very good coffee and I celebrate the whole shebang in great detail: We grind the beans ourselves at home, we brew the coffee in the Bialetti or in the espresso machine and of course serve it only with oat milk as well as in a fancy hipster cup.

I am often asked where we got our beautiful collection of cups. We actually built it up little by little. But I find it difficult to find exactly the styles I like in typical online stores. That’s why I’m such a big fan of the site Etsy, because the platform bundles many different artists and styles. So today I present you the most beautiful coffee and tea cups on Etsy (at least IMHO):

Typical Hipster Designs

To be honest, this style is exactly my favorite when it comes to coffee mugs: pottery cups in natural tones, with speckled designs and a few two-tone colored products. Click on the right arrow to browse through them:


Minimalist & Classic Designs

Here you will find something for everyone. These classic and very simple designs will look great on any kitchen shelf and add that special something to your coffee break. Design lovers will enjoy the minimalist shapes and interior newbies won’t go wrong with these products:


Creative designs

Chic ceramic mugs do not always have to be beige, black, white or speckled. Numerous artists show that there are no limits to creativity. The individual products may be a little more expensive, but it is obvious at first glance that more work has gone into them. I have curated a colorful selection, from gold handle and cherries, flowers, small boobie cups to a tribute to cat lovers:


More designs

In addition, I found a few additional cute items, which I could not classify so well. Therefore they get their very own non-descript category 🙂


Products from Great Britain

I know that I now also have a few readers from the UK. That’s why I’ve picked out a few products from local sellers especially for you, so that you don’t have to pay expensive shipping and customs costs (thanks to Brexit).

Creative mugs:


Classics with speckled glaze, two-tone look or completely plain designs:


Now I ask you: Was there a design you absolutely fell in love with? Where do you prefer to buy your coffee cups? And most important question: tea or coffee??? 😀

(Photos via Unsplash, 1,2,3)

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  1. Ich bin definitiv addicted zu schönen einzigartigen tassen! Bei uns tummeln sich ganz viele verschiedene Designs. Aber alle haben eins gemeinsam: es sind Hand getöpferte tassen von küstlermärkten!

  2. Hallo Mia,
    Danke für deine vielen Tipps für nachhaltiges und auch ausgefallenes Interior.
    Hättest du Tipps wo ich nicht nur Tassen, sondern auch Teller, Bowls… aus Steigut, Keramik bekommen könnte?
    Grüße Alex

    1. Hi Alexandra,

      du kannst gerne auch mal bei keramiko.de vorbeischauen.
      Die meisten Sachen sind aus Steinzeug, ein paar aus Steingut und alles wird von lokalen deutschen Betrieben hergestellt.